
The Benefits of One-on-One Therapy
Read moreEvery year, more and more Americans are seeing a therapist for their mental health, with approximately 60 million American adults currently receiving therapy each year. …
Psychotherapy vs. Therapy: What’s the Difference?
Read moreIn recent years, the topic of mental health has – thankfully – become one of significant focus and discussion. Awareness is greater than it’s ever…
What Principle Underlies Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?
Read moreIf you’ve ever had or considered getting some kind of therapy, you will most likely have heard of cognitive behavioral therapy – more commonly known…
Understanding Spravato: Benefits, Side Effects, Uses, and More
Read moreAnyone who suffers from depression, or who has loved ones who do, will know what a difficult and debilitating illness it can be. While antidepressant…
The Different Types of Talk Therapies
Read moreTalk therapy is the generalized term for any kind of therapy that involves talking about your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors with a trained professional. It…
The pros and cons of virtual therapy vs. in-person therapy
Read moreLarge bodies of evidence-based literature have demonstrated the effectiveness of in-person therapy in treating mental illness for many decades. Virtual therapy is an emerging approach that leverages cutting-edge…
The benefits of family therapy
Read moreFamilies are the most important influence on our physical and emotional well-being. While all families are different, over time many will face challenges, including conflict…