
The Role of Supportive Therapy in Treating Bipolar Disorder
Read moreLiving with bipolar disorder can feel like navigating constant storms, not only for those directly affected but also for their loved ones. The extreme highs…
The 6 Core Principles of Trauma-Informed Care and Their Role in Trauma Therapy
Read moreTrauma can come in many different forms and mean many different things, but almost everyone will experience some kind of trauma in their lifetime. Whether…
What Is IPT (Interpersonal Therapy)?
Read moreTalk therapy is one of the most effective ways to treat and manage depression and other mental health challenges, but with so many different types…
Knowing What to Talk About in Therapy
Read moreIf you’ve never had therapy before, it’s normal to be a little apprehensive about what to expect, and especially to wonder exactly what you’re going…
Psychotherapy vs. Therapy: What’s the Difference?
Read moreIn recent years, the topic of mental health has – thankfully – become one of significant focus and discussion. Awareness is greater than it’s ever…
What Principle Underlies Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?
Read moreIf you’ve ever had or considered getting some kind of therapy, you will most likely have heard of cognitive behavioral therapy – more commonly known…